1st French surface analysis laboratory accredited ISO 17025 by the COFRAC!

SG – Actualités (2)

It is with great pleasure that our Surface Analysis Laboratory has received this accreditation on the search and identification of foreign bodies of any type of materials by SEM/EDS and/or FTIR mapping and/or Optical Microscope. Scope No. 1-7192 available on www.cofrac.fr

The accredited methods are performed using the following analytical means:

  • Our KEYENCE VHX 5000 optical microscope
  • Our ESEM FEI Quanta 250 FEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a Bruker EDS detector
  • Our FTIR infrared microscope – PERKIN ELMER Microscope Spotlight 400 with ATR-Imaging

This new accreditation will allow us to reinforce our expertise in surface analysis and guarantee a recognized quality of service with a team that has been in place for nearly 25 years.

Accrédition n°1-7192

Scope available at www.cofrac.fr


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