The aeronautics sector requires an ever-higher standard of quality and reliability for its embedded technologies.
SERMA Technologies provides its technological expertise in embedded electronic systems by ensuring the reliability of components and electronic systems.
Our expertise in assisting with problem-solving for components, circuit boards and electronic systems, in supporting design and industrialisation, and in managing and handling obsolescence has been recognised by the aeronautics sector for many years. We monitor manufacturing processes for components, circuit boards and materials used through verification programmes for PCBAs and PCBs, and site audits.
SERMA addresses the specific needs of the procurement chain for a component by performing each stage from design to supply of an ASIC, by performing assembly and a customised test, or by qualifying COTS plastic components.
We provide customised support for each sector stakeholder:
- Aircraft manufacturers
- Equipment manufacturers, subcontractors
- Component manufacturers and suppliers
Component quality assurance
- DPA (Destructive Physical Analysis)
- Construction analysis
- Failure analysis
- Obsolescence management
- Second source qualification
- Counterfeit detection
- Batch repackaging for storage
- Component repackaging
- Storage
Electrical testing & component qualification
- Electrical test engineering
- Screening, upscreening
- Qualification of COTS (Components Off-The-Shelf) components
- Electronic components, printed circuit boards, electrical connectors, sensors, batteries, power, etc.
Materials & manufacturing processes
- PCB qualification and quality control
- Verification programme in accordance with IPC-A-610
- Analysis of soldering, microsectioning
- Analysis of Whisker risks
- EMS technical audits
- Support with improving manufacturing and integration processes for circuit boards
- ESD audits
- Commented design: technological choices, RoHS, DFT, DFR, DFM, etc
- Analysis of materials, pollution, etc.
Improving reliability
- Resolving quality issues, searching for root causes, failure analysis
- Support with drawing up design and production specifications
- Determining the mission profile
- Reliability and robustness improvement plan (HALT/HASS, etc.)
- Qualification plan
- Analysis of components list
- Alert management (Obsolescence, RoHS, export licensing, etc.)
- Processing obsolescences, replacement solutions
- Qualification of alternative sources
- Upscreening
- Storage
- Cloning
- Redesigning circuit boards
- Electronic component technologies
- Manufacturing processes: inspections, checks, audits, etc.
- Component quality assurance
- Controlling the component supply chain
- Component and system reliability
Qualification of electronic equipment
- Conducting electrical tests
- DO160 environmental testing
- Physical analysis (microsectioning, CSAM, whiskers, etc.)